Coronet Peak

20th & 21st July 2024

Years 1 - 8


Team Captains Meeting

When: Thursday 19th July, 6:00pm

Where: The Station Building, Duke Street, Queenstown

Team Captains meeting is for all club coaches. If a child does not have a club coach to represent then, one parent is to attend the meeting.

The meetings purpose is for confirmation of start list, details of racers and bib distribution. Any final changes to race day will also be communicated.


Race Day Formats

DAY 1 EVENT: GIANT SLALOM (subject to change allowing for snow conditions)

This will be a timed (individual) Giant Slalom. Appropriate courses will be set for each Year Category Years 1 - 4 and Years 5 - 8. Best time of 2 runs will count. Start list will be by categories beginning with Years 1 & 2 girls, Years 1 & 2 boys and so on.


The finishing order from Day #1 will determine the start list for Day #2, wherein the first and second fastest skier will race each other, as will the third and fourth racers, and so on through to the final pairs of racers. Bibs from Day 1 will be worn to identify the racers. Winner will be decided by timed result. 

This event will also be timed for individual results. The best time of 2 runs will be taken to determine individual results.

Team results will be determined as shown in the section under Teams.

Format of racing

The slowest skiers per category will race first, starting with Years 1-2, followed by Years 3-4 and so on. There will be two runs for all competitors – one run on each course. In the event of an odd number of skiers, the competitor with the slowest Giant Slalom time will race on their own. Racers who did not complete the Giant Slalom will race in starting order as set out by the start list. 

 Start listwill identify which coloured course the racer is on for each run.

 FinishWhen electronic recording is being used, it will be defined by the first article to break the electronic eye. Assistance can be given by Course Assistants to a fallen racer, only after the opposing racer has completed the course.

The Finishing Recorder records the results of the Dual Slalom:

W = Win, L – Loss, T = Tie, D = DNS or DSQ


Bad Weather Contingencies

If a race is cancelled due to weather or other circumstances the team results will be based on one race whether it is GS or Dual Slalom.

Should weather or other circumstances prevent the completion of all competitors racing on either day this will deem the race cancelled and not count.


The Teams

The school team’s placings will be decided by taking the 4 skiers with the highest points from the same school. Therefore, schools and parents are not required to organise teams.

Ski Competition

Points are awarded separately for boys and girls in each category of the Giant Slalom division. In each division the time for the Giant Slalom is calculated from the fastest to the slowest with any did-not-finish (DNF) being included in the total number of competitors.

 The total number of competitors in each division, shall be divided into 20 equal groups, insofar as that is possible; thereby creating the number/group of skiers to be awarded 20 points, 19-points, 18-points; and so, on down to 1-point. Competitors will carry their points forward to the Dual Slalom event, where a further:

  • 4 points can be gained per race for a win
  • 3 for a tie
  • 2 for a loss
  • 0 for a DNS or DNF

Final team placings are calculated based on the total of the 4 highest scoring team members after day two of competition. GS and Dual Slalom result combined.

In the event of a place tie, the 5th skier’s GS points will be considered. Should this still not bring a result, the 4th skiers GS will be considered, and so on using the 3rd skier, 2nd skier and 1st skier until such time as a result can be confirmed.



Team Categories (mixed gender)

  • Years 1 – 4
  • Years 5 & 6
  • Years 7 & 8

Individual Categories

  • Years 1 & 2 Boys Giant Slalom
  • Years 1 & 2 Boys Dual Slalom
  • Years 1 & 2 Girls Giant Slalom
  • Years 1 & 2 Girls Dual Slalom
  • Years 3 & 4 Boys Giant Slalom
  • Years 3 & 4 Boys Dual Slalom
  • Years 3 & 4 Girls Giant Slalom
  • Years 3 & 4 Girls Dual Slalom
  • Years 5 & 6 Boys Giant Slalom
  • Years 5 & 6 Boys Dual Slalom
  • Years 5 & 6 Girls Giant Slalom
  • Years 5 & 6 Girls Dual Slalom
  • Years 7 & 8 Boys Giant Slalom
  • Years 7 & 8 Boys Dual Slalom
  • Years 7 & 8 Girls Giant Slalom
  • Years 7 & 8 Girls Dual Slalom


Registration & Fees

Registration is with Snowsports NZ: 


Closes Sun 14th July 2024.

Entry fees: $80 (for both races)

Lift Passes

Lift passes for the event can be purchased through NZSKI. 50% off lift passes available at guest services for competitors only.


Volunteers can sign up at:

Lift passes for volunteers are complimentary if required. Please email:


Awards & Trophies

The National Junior School Championship is a team event, focusing on the performance of the whole of a school team and not just an individual.

Trophies are presented to: First Place in each team category.

Team Medals: All First, Second and Third Place team members will be presented with Gold, Silver or Bronze Team Medals.

Ski Individual Medals will be presented to: First, Second and Third Placegetters of the Giant Slalom and Dual Slalom.


All communications during the event shall be via Whatsapp. Sign up via the QR code.

For other enquiries contact Queenstown Alpine Ski Team Program Director - Celine Arnold: or 021 0224 1479.