Programme Director Role
The Queenstown Alpine Ski Team is a leading alpine ski racing club based in Queenstown, New Zealand. We are looking for a Program Director who is passionate about alpine ski racing to lead our programmes in 2021. The role of the Program Director is to support, manage, administer the alpine ski racing program for the Queenstown Alpine Ski Team. This includes, but is not limited to, strategic planning, program coordination, recruitment/ training of staff, communication and administrative responsibilities.
Key responsibilities
- Pre-season planning including budgeting, logistics and calendar management
- The recruitment and oversight of the QAST coaching staff (in conjunction with the Head Coach and QAST Coach Liaison)
- Logistical organisation and efficiency of training camps and away races
- Oversight of operational functions including website presence, marketing, facilities and fixed assets.
- Maintain/develop strong relationships with key stakeholders including NZSki, Snow Sports NZ
- Manage, assist and empower coaching staff to deliver all things operational, structural and financial as it relates to the team
- Oversight of administration and management of all aspects of training, travel and competitions and ensuring the safety of all programme participants
- Collaborate and communicate effectively with all relevant stakeholders to reach positive outcomes and move the program forward.
To be a great fit for this role, applicants should have a can-do attitude, enjoy a fast paced role and the ability to develop strong relationships with key stakeholders.
Duration of Employment: April – October 2021
Applications close Thursday 20 November 2020
Please direct expressions of interest to